The Arm


Version 1.0

The original arm. Based on the rudimentary designs readily available. The emphasis here is the lowest possible costs - in early development and on a limited budget I was reluctant to employ the mechanisms used in the later arms.

The hand is also the original “Jesus pin” quick-release type.

Version 2.0 / 2.5

This is the update to the V2.0 arm. The internals have been redesigned, and the removable outer shell has been implemented. There are fewer machined parts and more 3D-printed parts.

This is the first arm in which the improved quick release is used. The hand no longer being comprised of machined parts, and instead being a single 3D printed composite part.

Version 3.0

In the current arm, the bulk of the internals from v2.5 are carried over and the internal and external 3D-printed parts are revised.

The hand, still a single 3D part has some minor changes to increase the range of movement at the wrist.