SWM Gran Milano 440

When I started this project, I didn't want to invest heavily for the first bike. I was looking to get away with something around the $3k mark, and this meant shopping for used bikes locally. During one tyre kicking afternoon, I stumbled a shop selling a Gran Milano, but the price (at the time) meant it wasn't an option. By the time I'd decided it WAS an option that bike had sold. So began the hunt for another Gran Milano - for the same price. Insert sales pitch for the bike shops I had dealt with during the search for the right bike; Jeff's Bikes and Bits and Heavy Duty Motorcycles, oh and the transport company who delivered the bike Road Hog Transport.

What sold me on the bike was riding position - it's not "sit up and beg" nor is it "butt in the air laid over" and not dissimilar to the mountain bike I've done most of my initial testing with. Next was power, the bike needed to be capable of pulling its weight - nothing under 300cc. Speaking of weight, I needed a light bike, and the SWM is light enough at 145kg. The low seat height fits my short legs - I'm only 5' 7" - and the footpegs are in just the right position. Styling, yeah, it needed to make me look fractionally cooler if possible.

The research I've done on the bike suggests the engine is a copy of Honda's XR400, or maybe the GB400, RFVC engine. Way back in the day, when I was a bike mechanic, I remembered working on a few of these, and I do like the work Honda does, I hope the Chinese/Italian (? ) effort is as good a job. It certainly sounds okay, even if its a bit LOUD! Loud for a stock standard bike. I'm not complaining; my neighbours soon might be.

My Dad currently has the bike and is "running it in" for me which has got to be code for something, right? No, seriously, he's doing a good job, and the feedback so far has been positive. The gearing is W I D E, as in first gear is just there to get the clutch out, and fifth gear is a big overdrive. I'm told the bike "likes corners" which is code for something else but if it's what I think it means then I'm okay with that.

At my Dad’s; new bar mirrors.

At my Dad’s; new bar mirrors.

The day after delivery, just before it was sent off to my Dad to be run in.

The day after delivery, just before it was sent off to my Dad to be run in.

See these? They don’t work.

See these? They don’t work.